Magdalena Kaufmann’s Research

Previous names used: Magdalena Scheiner, Magdalena Schwager

Areas of Interest

I am interested in just about any area of formal semantics, as well as its interfaces to syntax, pragmatics, and philosophy. I am working, or have worked, on the following topics in particular:

  • clause types
  • speech acts
  • attitude reports
  • modality
  • tense and aspect
  • functional and relational nouns
  • intensional argument positions
  • (in)definiteness
  • discourse particles
  • conditionals
  • grammaticalization

Languages I have been studying in some detail regarding one or more of these phenomena (or just for the fun of it) include my native German as well as English, Italian, Japanese, Tagalog, Hungarian, Slovenian, and Serbian.

Current and recent grants

Together with Stefan Kaufmann, I was awarded NSF grant #2116972, “Research on conditional and modal language”.

Together with Kavya Krishnan (Cognitive Science Major), I was awarded a SHARE undergrad research grant “How to reason in Nepali”, to investigate conditionals in Nepali (spring semester 2022).