Selected presentations

As Magdalena Kaufmann:

(2024) “Reaching the remote and the impossible”. The New York Philosophy of Language Workshop, October 28.

(2024) “Reaching the remote and the impossible”.  Semantics Workshop, UMass Amherst, October 18.

(2024) “Ways of being iffy. Part II: Conjunctions mix up indicative conditionals”. Theoretical Linguistics Colloquium University of Vienna, July 1.

(2023) [with Neda Todorović ] “The remote and the impossible in Serbian.” Talk at FDSL 16, Universität Graz, Nov 29-Dec 1.

(2023) “Conjunctions (in)forming conditionals”. Philosophy Brown Bag, UConn, October 25.

(2023) [with S. Kaufmann, T. Mizuno, M. Yang] “Problem solving with Japanese beki,  Poster at Sinn und Bedeutung 28, Ruhr Universität Bochum, September 5-8.

(2023) [with S. Kaufmann, T. Mizuno, M. Yang] “Problem solving with Japanese beki“,  Workshop in Semantics and Pragmatics, Komorebi, Shiga, July 24-25.

(2023) [with S. Kaufmann] “Just in case”. Tokyo Workshop on Computational and Theoretical Semantics. Ochanomizu University, Tokyo July 21.

(2023) “Conditional conjunctions and types of conditionals”.  Linguistics colloquium at Seoul National University, July 7.

(2023) “Complex events in conditional conjunctions”. Keynote presentation at METU Workshop on Conditional and Causal
Reasoning. Gökova, Turkey. March 22-23.

(2022) “How to be impossible or remote”. MIT Linguistics Colloquium, October 14.

(2022) Conjoining(,) conditionals and coherence relations. Talk at Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, Dubrovnik, September 6-10.

(2022) A compositional take on directive microvariation. (With a commentary by Daniel Harris)  SPAGAD lecture series at ZAS, July 1. Slides

(2022) Practically out of control. CUNY colloquium, April 7. Slides

(2022) Commentary on Paul Portner `Speaking Frankly’.  SPAGAD lecture series at ZAS, February 18.

(2022) Tracking presumed control. Invited talk at Workshop Agency and Intentionality 2, January 12-14. Slides

(2021) Topics in conjunctions are conditional. DIP colloquium, ILLC Amsterdam, December 17. Slides

(2021) Obviating differences. Invited talk at Terraling Workshop, October 24.

(2021) [with Ivana Jovović and Neda Todorović ] “Obviate me (not): Obviation effects in Serbian main and complement
clauses”. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 30, MIT, May 13-16.

(2021) [with John Whitman] “Conditional conjunctions informed by Japanese and Korean”. Presentation at 43rd Annual
Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), AG9: The semantics and pragmatics of conditional connectives.

(2020) “A semantic-pragmatic account of generalized subject obviation”. Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, October 8.

(2020) “Imperative Perspectives”. Philang Reading Group, University of Vienna, June 17.

(2020) “A semantic-pragmatic account of generalized subject obviation”. LinG Colloquium Series, Georg-August Universität
Göttingen, May 20. Slides

(2020) [with Ivana Jovović and Neda Todorović ] “What makes DA modal”, Presentation at Distanzworkshop auf der Burg, Thomasberg, Austria.

(2019) [with Stefan Kaufmann] “Iffy Endorsements”. Philosophy in Linguistics and Linguistics in Philosophy (PhLiP) 6, Tarrytown, NY, November 14-17.

(2019) [with Stefan Kaufmann] “Talking about Sources”. NELS 50, MIT, October 24-26.

(2019) “Iffy Endorsements” (joint work with Stefan Kaufmann). NYU Linguistics Colloquium, September 26.

(2019) “Who controls who (or what) – evidence from embedded imperatives and other directives”. Invited talk at SALT 29, UCLA, May 17-19.

(2019) “Conditional conjunctions and juxtapositions”. Frege/Semantics Workshop, UC Irvine, March 1-2.

(2018) “Topics in Conditional Conjunctions”. Invited talk at NELS 49, Cornell University, October 5-7.

(2018) “Topics in Conditional Conjunctions”. Talk at Nagoya Semantics Circle, September 23.

(2018) [with Stefan Kaufmann] “Iffy Endorsements”. Talk at NINJAL, Tokyo, Japan, September 21.

(2018) “Topics in Conditional Conjunctions”. Colloquium at NINJAL, Tokyo, Japan, September 18.

(2018) “Stay modal and we’ll still have a story”. University of Vienna, July 13.

(2018) Stay strong and we’ll still have a story. Workshop Non Canonical Imperatives, Berlin, May 25-26.

(2017) “Japanese modals and other evaluations” Seminar Language of Desire, MIT, November. Handout: kaufmann-2017-desire-notes,pdf

(2017) “Iffy Endorsements”, Workshop Questioning Speech Acts, University of Konstanz, September. [Joint work with Stefan Kaufmann.] Slides

(2017) [with Adrian Stegovec] “Imperatives – relatively Slovenian”, Workshop Relative Clauses, Frankfurt University, May.

(2017) “Deontic logic for non-logical conditionals”, Semantics/Pragmatics Workshop, Rutgers University, May.

(2016) [with Stefan Kaufmann] “Stativity and progessive: the case of Japanese `tokoro da'”, Sinn und Bedeutung 21, University of Edinburgh, September.

(2016) “What `may’ and `must’ may be in Japanese”, Keynote talk at 24th Japanese/Korean Linguistics, NINJAL, Tokio, October.

(2016) [with S. Kaufmann] “Stativity and Progressive The case of Japanese tokoro da”, Sinn und Bedeutung 21, September.

(2016) “Embedded imperatives”, Workshop Imperatives: Worlds and Beyond. Hamburg University, June.

(2016) “Models for natural language meaning”, Keynote talk at the Annual Symposium of the Association of Symbolic Logic (ASL). University of Connecticut, May.

(2016) “2016 Speech acts: the view from linguistics”, NYU Philosophy of Language Colloquium, NYU, May.

(2016) “Free choice and other reasons for disjunctions”, Harvard Linguistics Colloquium Circle, February 12.

(2016) “Discourse particle `ruhig’: discourse effects, desires, and modality”, 3rd Workshop on the Semantics of Discourse Particles in East and Southeast Asian Languages, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, January 9-10.

(2016) “Japanese modality: the view from formal semantics”, Ritsumeikan University, December 17.

(2015) “Presupposing – expressive – speech acts”, CREST international workshop on formal and computational semantics, Kyoto University, Nov 21.

(2015) “It depends on `It depends on'”, Invited talk at LENLS 12, Nov 15-17.

(2015) “Imperatives embedded in discourse”, Kyoto Workshop on Linguistics and Philosophy: Evidence and Inference: the foundation of linguistics and philosophy, Kyoto University, Oct 31 – Nov 1.

(2015) “Imperative semantics”, Tutorial for ILCAA Joint Research Project Semantics of Discourse Particles in East and Southeast Asian Languages, Meeting 2, TUFS University, Tokyo, Oct 17-18.

(2015) “Locating events in time and across worlds: the case of tokoro da“, Talk at Meikai University, Tokyo, Sep 14.

(2015) “Talk about embedding”, Workshop Speech Acts, ZAS Berlin, June 11-13.

(2015) “Embedded imperatives across languages”, Colloquium, UMass, April 21.

(2015) “Free choice as a form of dependence”, Brown bag talk, Brown University, April 8.

(2014) “Embedded imperatives across languages: Evidence against monoliths”, Colloquium, Rutgers University, November 21.

(2014) “Look for a sweater or find the missing screw, Mr. X!”, Carpentry: Colloquium in Honor of Thomas Ede Zimmermann’s 60th Birthday, Frankfurt University, September 29.

(2014) “Fine-tuning natural language imperatives: between logic and linguistics”, Plenary talk at DEON 2014, Universiteit Gent, July 12-15.

(2014) “Embedded imperatives across languages: Too rare to expect, too frequent to ban”, Colloquium, Department of
Linguistics, SUNY Stony Brook, April 4. Handout

(2013) “Imperatives, disjunction, free choice, and what it all depends on.” Colloquium, Cornell University, November 7.

(2013) “Discourse particle ruhig: discourse effects, desires, and modality”. 3rd Cornell Workshop in Linguistics and Philosophy
Modal Talk and Reasoning, November 9-10.

(2013) “Embedded Imperatives across Languages: too rare to expect, too frequent to ban”. Mini-Workshop on Syntax and Semantics: Imperatives, Embeddability, and Politeness, Yale University, October 17.

(2013) [with Stefan Kaufmann] “Information dependence in conditionalized prioritizing modality”. Workshop Modality as a
Window on Cognition, ICL19, Geneva, July 23.

(2013) [with Yukinori Takubo and Stefan Kaufmann] “The Japanese Marker ‘tokoro da’: A case study in time and modality”. Workshop Modality as a Window on Cognition, ICL19, Geneva, July 22.

(2013) “Imperatives and (Im)perfect Information”. Invited Talk, Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen, May 27.

(2013) “Imperatives and (Im)perfect Information”. Invited Talk, Frankfurt University, May 23.

(2012) “The modal operator theory of imperatives: Revisiting assets and drawbacks”. Invited Talk, MIT, Novemeber 26.

(2012) “Questioning Imperatives”. Workshop ‘Alternatives and Modality’, Göttingen University, July 19.

(2012) “Imperatives and Imperfect Information”. Workshop ‘Relating Particles to Evidence and Inference’, Göttingen University, July 13-14.

(2012) “Questioning Imperatives”. Invited Talk, University of Connecticut, February 3.

(2011) “Particles and Performativity”. Workshop Particles and Speech Acts, Hongkong City University, October 14.

As Magdalena Schwager:

(2011) “Imperatives between Form and Function”. Phling-Talk, Northwestern University (February).

(2010) [with Stefan Kaufmann] “Respecting Rights”. Szklarska Poreba Workshop, Szklarska Poreba (PL) (March).

(2010) [with Stefan Kaufmann] “Awareness, Information, and Action”. Particle Workshop, University of Göttingen (March).

(2010) “Imperatives as Moody Modals”. University of Chicago (February).

(2009) “Modality and speech acts: troubled by German `ruhig’.” Amsterdam Colloquium 9, University of Amsterdam (December).

(2009) “Modality and speech acts: troubled by German modal particle `ruhig’.” LENLS, Tokyo (November).

(2009) “Imperatives as Moody Modals”. Workshop on Clause Types, University of Frankfurt (June).

(2009) [with Eric McCready] “Intensifiers”. Workshop Expressive Meaning, DGfS Osnabrück (March).

(2008) [with Claudia Poschmann] “(Un)Quoted Imperatives”, Talk at ICQM2, Berlin, October 16-18.

(2007) “Keeping Prices Low”, Talk at SuB 12, Oslo, September 20-22.

(2007) “Bodyguards under cover: The status of individual concepts”, Talk at SALT XVII, UConn, May 10-13.

(2007) “(Non-)Functional Concepts: Definite Articles in Bavarian”, Talk at the 8th Szklarska Poreba Workshop. slides

(2007) “Definitheitsmarkierer im Bayrischen”, Talk at Workshop “Definiteness”, University of Stuttgart, January 26.

(2007) “Change under cover: The status of individual concepts”, Talk at Stuttgart University, January 25.

(2006) “What mayors, strikers and bodyguards might tell us about individual concepts”, DIP-talk, ILLC Amsterdam, December 15.

(2006) “The Topic Has Changed: On Functional Concepts”, Semantiknetzwerk VI, Barcelona, September 19-20.

(2006) “Living on the Addressee”, Workshop “How to refer to one’s own words” in honour of Anita Mittwoch, Berlin, July 11-15.

(2005) “Conditionalized Imperatives”, accepted for Colloque de Syntaxe et Semantique a Paris, 30.9.-1.10.2005.

(2004) “Right-Node Raising und Boolsche Algebra”, Österreichische Linguisitiktagung, November 2004.

(2004) [mit Hans-Martin Gärtner] “Pseudo-Coordination meets the type-force square”, Workshop Mood and (In-)Subordination, 5.-7. 11. 2004.

(2004) “Don’t be late or you’ll miss the first slot”, NASSLLI 2004 Student Session, UCLA, 21.6.2004.

(2004) “Satztyp und oder – Zu nicht-kanonischen Imperativen”, Invited talk, Linguistischer Arbeitskreis des IDSL Universität Köln, 9.6.2004.

(2004) “Wie pseudo sind Pseudo-Imperative”, GGS Mannheim 21.-23.5.2004.

(2004) “Why Imperatives can(not) embed”, Poster bei Georgetown University Round Table, Washington
27.-29.3.2004. Handout

(2004) “Conditional Imperatives”, Invited talk, Semantikzirkel ZAS, Berlin 23.2. 2004.

(2003) “Warum man Imperative (nicht) einbetten kann”, Klausurtagung GK Satzarten der Universität Frankfurt/ZAS Berlin,

(2003) “Fragt und kritisiert nicht!”, GGS Köln, 29.5. – 1.6. 2003

(2002) “Habitualität und Ereignisquantifikation”, Österreichische Linguistiktagung (Innsbruck, 7.-8. 12. 2002)

(2002) “Habituelle Sätze und Ereignisqunatifikation – Evidenz von temporaler Verankerung”, GGS Frankfurt, 10.-12. 5. 2002.